Introducing "The World's Smallest Superpower"
[Exclusive] New book will give an inside account of the most important nation on the global electronics map. A powerhouse with unique skills unmatched anywhere
Good Evening from Taipei,
Thanks for joining me on this journey. Now that I am able to write independently, I can share with you some news about the next major project I’m working on.
I recently signed a deal with a US publisher to write a book on Taiwan’s unique place in the world.
The World’s Smallest Superpower
By Tim Culpan
That superpower is, of course, Taiwan. The World’s Smallest Superpower will explain how Taiwan came to become a global technology powerhouse, punching well above its weight and possessing skills and strengths which no other nation can match. It’ll discuss the role of US aid — which began in the 1950s — and explain the next 75 years of deep cooperation in technology, industry, military and intelligence. I’ll show examples of Taiwanese developing and licensing world-beating technology, laying to rest claims that Taiwan stole technology.
The World’s Smallest Superpower will look at the unique features of Taiwanese business culture that make it stand out. Taiwan truly is a superpower, and I’ll explain why.
Today, Taiwan’s strengths go beyond semiconductors. It is a giant in manufacturing, operations, and supply-chain management. The international production ecosystem is reliant on Taiwanese expertise in all corners of the globe. I’ll show you inside Foxconn, TSMC, Quanta, UMC, Synnex, Acer, Delta, Pou Chen and many more companies whom few have ever heard of, but whose products you surely use.
獨立記者高燦鳴與史丹佛大學出版社簽署了一份出版合約,依據此合約,高燦鳴將推出一本著作:《The World’s Smallest Superpower 》 (暫譯: 世界上最小的超級強權)。高燦鳴是居住在台灣最久的外籍記者、也是最有經驗的科技業專欄作家。書中他將分享他與產業領導人和內部人士的採訪內容,講述台灣最重要的公司的故事:包括富士康、台積電、廣達, 台達、聯強、聯電、宏碁、寶成等等。他的目標是告訴外國讀者為什麼台灣是世界領導者,值得國際支援和保護。他歡迎各方產業內部人士來分享他們的故事。
The book will have inside accounts of how deals were done, technologies developed, and products brought to market for Apple, Dell, Sony, Tesla, HP and many others.
Research, interviews, and writing will happen over the next year. Many readers of my work are well connected and attuned to the global manufacturing system.
I’d love to hear your stories, insider accounts, memories of deals you signed, products you worked, or people you cooperated (or fought with) in your own careers. Reply to me here and we can chat (anonymously, if needed).
If you came upon this post casually, then ensure you subscribe. I may drop some teasers in upcoming installments.
Thanks for reading.
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You're the man—can't wait to read it!
I think the timing for such a book is really great. What an incredible project.